About Seymour

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have specific information about an individual named Seymour Vic. It's possible that the person became known or gained prominence after that date. Please provide more context or check more recent sources for the latest information on Seymour Vic.
About Seymour

Suburb Statistics

* Derived from publicly available listing data over a 12 Month period starting September 01, 2023


185 Total number of listingsin the past 12 months
House listings164
Unit listings21
Median Days On Marketin the past 12 months
Average Sales Pricein the past 12 months


6,569 Total Suburb population
Age Range
2,987 Total Private Dwellings
Owned Ratio:70.17%
Rented Ratio:29.67%
Owned Ratio:12.00%
Rented Ratio:80.44%

Housing Market

House Statistics
Total Sold Properties71
Median Days On Market96
Median Sold Price$480,000
Rental Yield4.60%
Median Sold Price Growth6.70%
Vacancy Rate2.06%
Auction Clearance Rate0.00%
Unit Statistics
Total Sold Properties8
Median Days On Market96
Median Sold Price$299,500
Rental Yield6.20%
Median Sold Price Growth-6.80%
Vacancy Rate0.99%

Listing Count - 12 Months

Sep '23Oct '23Nov '23Dec '23Jan '24Feb '24Mar '24Apr '24May '24Jun '24Jul '24Aug '240246810
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Market Activity in (Seymour), last 12 months

Suburb listings
Number of Listings*106* House & Units
Suburb Rental Properties
Rental Properties*18* During May 2024
Suburb Sold Properties
Sold Properties*79* House & Units

Lifestyle and Amenities

Rural Charm:

Seymour, often known for its rural setting, offers a relaxed lifestyle with access to nature and outdoor activities.

Community Facilities:

Residents may enjoy community facilities such as parks, local markets, and recreational areas, fostering a sense of community engagement.

Basic Amenities:

The town likely provides essential amenities like schools, healthcare facilities, and local businesses, contributing to residents' convenience and well-being.

Lifestyle and Amenities
Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

Property Development:

Seymour may offer opportunities for property development, given its potential for growth and demand for housing. Investors could explore residential or commercial development projects to capitalize on the evolving real estate market.

Agricultural Ventures:

Given its rural character, agricultural investments, such as farming or agribusiness, could be viable. Investors might consider opportunities in the region's agricultural sector, including livestock, crop farming, or agro-processing.

Tourism and Hospitality:

If Seymour has attractions or potential for tourism growth, investments in hospitality, such as hotels, bed and breakfasts, or recreational facilities, could be promising. Tourism-related businesses may thrive as the town attracts visitors for its natural or cultural offerings.

Unique Characteristics

Military History:

Seymour, Victoria, is known for its significant military history, particularly as the location of the Australian Army's Puckapunyal Military Area. This adds a unique historical and cultural dimension to the town.

Railway Heritage:

Seymour has a rich railway heritage, evident in its historic railway station and connections. The town's role as a railway hub contributes to its character and provides a distinctive feature for both residents and visitors.

Unique Characteristics